
122 Results / Page 10 on 14


Ep. 6: What’s Your Form of Government?

SOG Applications Team March 25, 2021

Faculty Members Kim Nelson and Carl Stenberg summarize the various forms of local government in North Carolina.  These include the prevailing Manager/Council and County Manager forms, and the Mayor/Council form used by some smaller municipal jurisdictions.  Listeners will gain a clear understanding of each form, and of the distinct leadership roles […]


Ep. 5: The Lingo Of Mental Disabilities In NC

SOG Applications Team November 12, 2020

The words that describe the different kinds of mental disabilities can be confounding for laymen, and the terminology for the organizational structures are equally confusing.  In this podcast Mark Botts, SOG faculty member who specializes in this field of law, helps make sense of the “alphabet soup” as he talks […]

Ep. 5: The Lingo of Mental Disabilities in NC

SOG Applications Team November 12, 2020

The words that describe the different kinds of mental disabilities can be confounding for laymen, and the terminology for the organizational structures are equally confusing.  In this podcast Mark Botts, SOG faculty member who specializes in this field of law, helps make sense of the “alphabet soup” as he talks […]


(Episode 2) “Friend Request Accepted: Using Technology and Social Capital”

SOG Applications Team June 15, 2020

In this episode, “Friend Request Accepted: Using Technology and Social Capital,” we feature Family Independence Initiative of Detroit. This program partners with families to improve education, housing, and transportation for its participants.  They use a unique technology application called UpTogether that allows participants to connect. For more information, visit


(Episode 1) “Close-Knit Communities for Better Outcomes: Using Peer Groups”

SOG Applications Team June 15, 2020

In this episode, “Close-Knit Communities for Better Outcomes: Using Peer Groups,” we feature the Building Wealth and Health Network, a program designed to incentivize entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.  It features opportunities for parents and care-givers of young children to increase their income and savings, […]

(Episode 2) “Friend Request Accepted: Using Technology and Social Capital”

SOG Applications Team May 28, 2020

In this episode, “Friend Request Accepted: Using Technology and Social Capital,” we feature Family Independence Initiative of Detroit. This program partners with families to improve education, housing, and transportation for its participants.  They use a unique technology application called UpTogether that allows participants to connect. For more information, visit

(Episode 1) “Close-Knit Communities for Better Outcomes: Using Peer Groups”

SOG Applications Team May 28, 2020

In this episode, “Close-Knit Communities for Better Outcomes: Using Peer Groups,” we feature the Building Wealth and Health Network, a program designed to incentivize entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.  It features opportunities for parents and care-givers of young children to increase their income and savings, […]