
122 Results / Page 6 on 14


Episode 9: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team June 22, 2023

This episode discusses recent legislation, including changes to satellite-based monitoring and a new offense of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, as well as recent state cases on constructive possession, Harbison error, and expert testimony.

NC Criminal Debrief

Episode 9: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team June 22, 2023

This episode discusses recent legislation, including changes to satellite-based monitoring and a new offense of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, as well as recent state cases on constructive possession, Harbison error, and expert testimony.

Episode 8: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team June 15, 2023

This episode discusses the filings at the U.S. Supreme Court in State v. Diaz-Tomas, monetary obligations in criminal cases, recent state legislation, as well as cases on courtroom closures and capacity to proceed.

Elected Ed

Elected Ed: Season 1, Episode 6: My House is worth WHAT?!

SOG Applications Team June 8, 2023

Whether you own your home or rent it, the value of it affects how much you pay for it. The process for determining the true value of taxable property is called “appraisal”. Local elected officials are responsible for assuring that it’s accurate, fair, and equitable. How does that work?

Elected Ed: Season 1, Episode 6: My House is worth WHAT?!

SOG Applications Team June 8, 2023

Whether you own your home or rent it, the value of it affects how much you pay for it. The process for determining the true value of taxable property is called “appraisal”. Local elected officials are responsible for assuring that it’s accurate, fair, and equitable. How does that work?