
124 Results / Page 9 on 14


NC Criminal Debrief

Episode 4: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team September 27, 2022

This episode discusses recent criminal law news, along with a review of recent decisions by the North Carolina appellate division. Topics include the recent raid by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago, the trial penalty, and confrontation rights at trial and probation violation hearings. 

Episode 4: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team September 27, 2022

This episode discusses recent criminal law news, along with a review of recent decisions by the North Carolina appellate division. Topics include the recent raid by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago, the trial penalty, and confrontation rights at trial and probation violation hearings. 

NC Criminal Debrief

Episode 2: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team June 14, 2022

This episode is a review of recent state criminal cases. It covers search and seizure law, First Amendment issues in criminal law, post-conviction DNA testing, the right to counsel, substitute expert analyst testimony and the Confrontation Clause, along with the first successful Batson violation in the state.

Episode 2: NC Criminal Debrief

SOG Applications Team June 14, 2022

This episode is a review of recent state criminal cases. It covers search and seizure law, First Amendment issues in criminal law, post-conviction DNA testing, the right to counsel, substitute expert analyst testimony and the Confrontation Clause, along with the first successful Batson violation in the state.